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We create space for getting to know each other, understanding and connecting generations.

We help leaders, talents and teams develop and create a productive environment for all generations.


For students

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Discover your strengths and talents through games and events. Find your life path. Learn to lead a team in realizing your own vision.

For schools

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Win students' hearts and develop their skills and confidence. Bring more playfulness to teaching.

For companies

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Join progressive companies interested in young people. Develop your leaders and talents with student engagement with us.

Our events

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Naše reference

Snímek obrazovky 2024-05-13 v 11.49.33.png

Generální partneři

Snímek obrazovky 2024-05-13 v 12.03.59.png

T-Mobile Česká Republika a Slovak Telekom

Staňte se i vy partnerem při rozvoji studentů Generace Z a podpořte vývoj workshopů a moderní vzdělávání na středních školách.

For students

Miracles can happen,
when you find your purpose


from Gen Z consider themselves creators, innovators

and problem solvers and 11% for "consumers".
Barnes & Noble College Insights Report

Maybe you still have no idea what you want to do in life. We've all been through it.

It's so bittersweet because at the same time it's a frustrating feeling, on the other hand you haveall options at hand at that moment.

With projectYOU you can realize your strengths, discover your entrepreneurship and develop your talents through unforgettable 4 hour games

and events.


For schools

Come help them fall in love with learning again


gen Z prefers a collaborative form of teaching (workshops, projects) to independent work during their studies.
GitNux Market Data Report 2023

The games you can bring to your students for free with us will capture their hearts and make them think, share and learn from each other. They open up important social and work topics and create space for intensive experience, mutual discussion and student cooperation.

Our games help your students discover their skills useful for the future, encourage students to have healthy self-confidence and teach them to discover new useful perspectives. They help students discover life possibilities, opportunities and their strengths.


For companies

How to become an attractive choice for young people?


they believe they have the ability to lead and enthusiastically take on leadership roles at work.
Network of Executive Women Research, 2023

If we want to engage the candidates and consumers of the future, it's not enough to shake up the world of work as we know it. The best way to the hearts of young people is an authentic and sincere interest in them and the real added value you bring to their lives.

projectYOU offers you and your people a unique opportunity to interact with students so that your people understand why and how they think. We will sit them at the same table and they will solve an exciting story together. They will learn together to strengthen skills important for the future.


Don't miss insightful stories and exciting solutions from projectYOU

Get involved in our community and you will be sure to follow the current trends in corporate leadership and talent development. You will gain better insight into the needs and challenges of the younger generation and about student development programs.

Your personal data is safe with us.

Read our Privacy Policy.

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